Statement on Sail Numbers

The OKDIA Committee would like to draw National Association and sailors’ attention to the Rules regarding Sail Number allocation and usage. In recent years some sailors and associations have taken it upon themselves to issue or use numbers different from those allocated to them by their National Authority. The following is to clarify what the actual rules are and how they should be implemented.

From the OK Class Rules


4.3 The certificate is obtained as follows:
(i) The builder or owner shall apply to the National Authority for a sail number enclosing the building fee receipt. The National Authority shall issue a sail number only on receipt of evidence that the building fee has been paid.


6.1 The hull of all boats built after 1st September 1973 shall carry the sail numbers and national letters either cut out or burned into the hog or centreboard case in the cockpit, or on the bulkhead at station 2 on centreline, in figures not less than 20mm in height.
6.2 The sail shall carry identification marks as indicated in rule 15.4.

15. SAIL

15.1 General
15.1.1 Anything not specifically permitted by these Class Rules is PROHIBITED.
15.1.2 Sails shall be made and measured in accordance with the ISAF ERS currently effective, except where varied herein, and with the RRS. Where a term defined or measurement given in the ERS is used in the Rules it is printed in‘bold’type.

From the Racing Rules of Sailing


G1.1 Identification

Every boat of an ISAF Class shall carry on her mainsail and, as provided in rules G1.3(d) and G1.3(e) for letters and numbers only, on her spinnaker and headsail
(a) the insignia denoting her class;
(b) at all international events, except when the boats are provided to all competitors, national letters denoting her national authority from the table below. For the purposes of this rule, international events are ISAF events, world and continental championships, and events described as international events in their notices of race and sailing instructions; and
(c) a sail number of no more than four digits allotted by her national authority or, when so required by the class rules, by the class association. The four-digit limitation does not apply to classes whose ISAF membership or recognition took effect before 1 April 1997. Alternatively, if permitted in the class rules, an owner may be allotted a personal sail number by the relevant issuing authority, which may be used on all his boats in that class.

What this means, in case anyone is in any doubt, is as follows.

  1. On request, your National Authority will issue you with a Sail Number. This must be engraved in the hull and must be placed on the sails.
  2. If your National Authority is your National Association the same will apply.
  3. The National Association cannot override any number given or decision made by its National Authority
  4. This means that if your National Authority issues you with a Sail Number you are not allowed to put any other number on your sail and in your boat except that given to you by the National Authority.
  5. Neither the National Authority or National Association has any authority to issue a Personal Sail Number different from that given to the boat.
  6. No sailor has the authority to personally choose a sail number for themselves different from that allocated by their National Authority.
  7. If your certificate carries a different sail number from that given to the boat by your National Authority then your certificate is invalid.

In simple terms, the Sail Number allocated to you by your National Authority, the number engraved in your boat, the number on your measurement certificate and the number on your sail must all be the same.

We are an International Class, and if we are to remain so, we must be completely transparent and competent in abiding by Class and ISAF Rules .

Any abuse of the above regulations may lead to further action by OKDIA, which may include protests and disqualification. Organising Committees at 2014 World Ranking events will be asked to enforce these Rules.

OKDIA Committee