What are Sail Labels?

OK Dinghy sails built after Dec 31 2015 are required to have an official OKDIA Sail Label. Sail labels shall be purchased and attached by the sail maker and shall be attached near the tack and shall be sown across.

The measurer should signed and date the sail across the label. The label itself is not proof of measurement.
Orders should be sent to publicity@okdia.org
The cost per label is £10 including shipping.
The Class Rules change is on the World Sailing website here: http://www.sailing.org/classesandequipment/20283.php


New certifications for equipment of OK Dinghies

For Sail Labels:

OK Dinghy sails built after Dec 31 2015 are required to have an official OKDIA Sail Label attached near the tack.These are to be purchased and attached by the sail-maker, and should be signed and dated by the measurer.
Orders should be sent to publicity@okdia.org
The cost per label is £10 including shipping.
The Class Rules change is on the World Sailing website here: http://www.sailing.org/classesandequipment/20283.php

For Mast Labels:

Mast manufacturers have to sign a letter of compliance with OKDIA to become a certified mast builder.
All masts built have to have a mast label on them.
The cost per label is £10 including shipping.
this rule is in effect since 1. November 2014

Regarding Swing testing of OK Dinghies

Please open/download the PDF below for the full text of the statement.

As some of you will be aware there are tests going on in Hellerup, Denmark concerned with swing testing OK Dinghies to =ind out if and how big any differences are in weight distribution. To date, this group has swung 10 boats with boards in. Their conclusion was that there are large differences between the boats and they are keen to pursue this further. This research is to be commended.

The Technical Committee’s role is to research options and give advice, so any further action in regards of any possible rule changes has to come from the broader membership of the class.

Statement from the Technical Committee regarding Swing testing of OK Dinghies (PDF, 79 KB)

Statement on equipment inspection, 2014 OK Dinghy Worlds, Melbourne, Australia

This statement from OKDIA is designed to clarify the processes and responsibilities of the various parties involved in equipment inspection at a World Championship. This statement will not go into detail of what happened in Melbourne – that is published here – suffice to say that OKDIA supports all actions taken by the Chief Measurer and the International Jury.

Statement as PDF

Statement on Sail Numbers

The OKDIA Committee would like to draw National Association and sailors’ attention to the Rules regarding Sail Number allocation and usage. In recent years some sailors and associations have taken it upon themselves to issue or use numbers different from those allocated to them by their National Authority. The following is to clarify what the actual rules are and how they should be implemented.

Continue reading “Statement on Sail Numbers”

Statement on the use of Ultra High Modulus Carbon in masts

Following recent developments in the Finn Class, the OK Dinghy Class may soon be faced with the prospect of Ultra High Modulas carbon being used in their masts and the increased costs that go with it. This is a situtaion that the Technical Commitee feels would be bad for the OK Class and also for the mast manufacturers.

Continue reading “Statement on the use of Ultra High Modulus Carbon in masts”

Statement on Hull Measurement

As a result of issues during the measurement checks of a number of boats from several designs at the OK Dinghy World Championships in Warnemünde Germany 2008 the OKDIA Technical Committee agreed to evaluate these issues.
The following statement aims to give clarity on how boats are measured and on how the current rules should be interpreted. The Technical Committee will continue to evaluate ways to better control future measurement within the class.
Hull Measurement Statement (version October 2008)